
Request a private
yoga session

Request a class! Being a small studio, we take requests. Want a heated vinyasa class so you can sweat? Yoga Nidra to prepare for sleep ? Let us know what your interest is and schedule availability – we will try to accommodate you!

Important moon dates for August – Full Moon August 12th.

Upcoming workshop!

Chakra workshop – Sunday August 7th.


All yoga classes and events are donation based either monetarily or through creative energy exchange. Some people find it easiest to bring $10-$20 to an event or class. Others might get creative and bring flowers, a painted rock, a box of tea or something else. The idea of an energy exchange is just something other than money that gives value to concept of what is being traded or service offered ( they used to do this before money) . Money is a source of energy too and in this modern day most people find that the easiest. New Moon is open to both concepts. Cash, Venmo and energy exchange are all welcome forms of payment. Venmo address is @Melody-David.

About the Studio

At the home of Melody David. Please park on the asphalt near the grass. Enter between the red and blue building. Proceed through gate, turn right and enter sliding glass door. Please do not show up without signing up on this site or texting Melody. Studio address given upon sign up.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • Build self care into your weekly routine
  • Connect and ground
  • Stretch your body, stretch your mind
  • Increased flexibility in muscles & ligaments
  • Less back pain, lower blood pressure
  • Mood Enhancement
  • Relaxed and meditative mental state
  • Increased balance